A convention for backward summations
Simple explanation of numpy.bincount
My dialect of English
Where do phonesthemes come from?
Pitfalls of English spelling reform
Ternary gate automata
Z-action lemma
The structure of the natural numbers
A structure theorem for semimodules over rings
Three ways for functions to act on power sets
Googology (archived)
Regular commutative semigroups
Sequences with recurring finite differences
Fifth-repeating musical scales
The pyramid hotel
A tour of Inv (part 2)
The chopstick game
Cube rotation notation
Big and small numbers
A tour of Inv
Classification of heptatonic scales
An infinite chain of fields
Free extensions
Overcategories and relations
The three utilities problem
How many cellular automata are there?
Cellular automaton: Symmetrica
Cellular automaton: Longevity
Generalising the mean of a list
Feasibility of regular polytopes
Notation complaints
A pointfree proof
Lazy Javascript
Variants are monads
A clever means of numerical overloading
Half derivative of sine
Weighted fibonacci sequences
The Lune type system
Zero = infinity?