Symmetrica / Puffers

The three most common puffers are:

  1. Mason
  2. Hyperion
  3. Parade


  • Period-16 blinker puffer
  • 3rd most common puffer

The parade can combine with a tugboat to make a period-16 block puffer.


  • Period-16 blinker puffer


  • Period-26 blinker puffer
  • 2nd most common puffer
  • See also: titan

Here is a nova-producing puffer made of two hyperions and two tugboats:



  • Period-140 puffer
  • Debris: 12 blocks, 4 flares
  • Front section repeats at a period of 20

Two plows can combine to make a puffer than produces shells and pinwheels.


Although the byzantine is fairly dirty on its own, multiple byzantines can combine to produce a variety of clean puffers. Six examples are shown below. (From left to right: flare puffer, shell puffer, block puffer, block on table puffer, beacon puffer, victory puffer.)

The byzantine can combine with a tugboat to make a period-16 block puffer.

The cluster of common objects below produces a byzantine, along with a block and a tugboat.


  • Period-19 5c/19 block puffer
  • Most common puffer
  • See also: slowpoke

In the wild, masons are created when a tango collides into a blinker and then a block.

Two seeds that produce a mason when hit by a tugboat:

Marathon puffer

  • Large engineered puffer that creates a marathon every 160 generations
  • Consists of three parade-tugboat block puffers, five 40 up rakes, five schooners, an ABS, and five 80 down rakes

How it works:

  1. The block puffers lay trails of blocks.
  2. The 40 up rakes convert certain blocks into flares, with schooners cleaning up the flares. (The rakes cannot destroy the blocks directly because there is not enough space for that reaction.)
  3. The ABS activates the marathons, and conveniently cleans up certain blocks.
  4. The 80 down rakes destroy all remaining blocks.